3rd Birthday Golf Party: It's a Par-Three

Our girl turned three last week and I still can’t believe it! I really feel like the older she gets the quicker the year goes. I got lost in a folder of old videos from when she had just turned two and it was amazing to see how much her voice has changed! I don’t think I even realized it was happening. I just can’t get over how big she is and I am so proud of her.

After she dressed up as a golfer for Halloween I knew I wanted her 3rd birthday party to be a golf theme. My mother-in-law threw a golf theme wedding shower for Adam’s cousin and it was so much fun. So we found a way to recreate it in a 3rd birthday party setting…while also social distancing.

To keep everyone as safe as possible, we figured the best way to celebrate Jane Taylor was to have her party outside. We kept it small and social distanced by having “tee-times” set for each family to come play some putt-putt.

I found a golf themed invitation on Etsy that I was able to edit right after purchasing. It was less than $10 and I love that I could text out a cute little invite to her friends. I sent the invite graphic along with a Signup Genius - it was so easy to use and free to create! There was even a golf theme templet which made it all the more fun. Families could sign up for different tee times throughout the party. I kept it to around 3 or 4 families for each tee time. I did this so that everyone wouldn’t show up at once to play the same 9-holes and to keep everyone at a safe distance.

We used Games to Go for the putt-putt course and they were awesome to work with! Tony came about an hour before the party and dropped the course off and set it all up. It was so fun to have a putt-putt course right in our backyard!

My mother-in-law is the party decorating gurio (last year she turned the entire food table into a bus to go with Jane Taylor’s bus themed birthday party), so she created all the displays such as the golf bag centerpiece and the banner. She also came up with the idea of a leader board and it was a huge hit with the adults and kids! I particularly enjoyed having my name up there with the lowest score (this never happens when I play putt-putt so I have to document this somehow)!!

I put together little bags that had scorecards and these adorable golf pencils for each family to grab when they arrived. My sister-in-law made up the scorecards using a templet she found on Etsy. We also had a large supply of Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer so that golf clubs and golf balls could be wiped down before & after each use.

To make it an official party, by kids standards, we handed out popsicles. Because of the “big bad sickness” I didn’t feel comfortable serving food of any sort like we normally would at a party. It all turned out great and the kids (plus some adults) were happy!

Overall it was a sweet little party! We loved getting the chance to celebrate our girl with the group of neighborhood friends we are blessed to do life with.

Two Is Better Than One

Adam's Look - Pants: AG || Shirt: Bonobos  || Shoes: 1901

My Look - Top: Devlin || Jeans: Pea in a Pod || Suggested non-maternity jeans: Paige || Shoes: Toms

Today is the most special day in my life. Why? Because today is my sweet husband’s birthday. And without this day, I wouldn’t have my best friend to celebrate. I wouldn’t have someone to laugh with, love with, do life with if it weren’t for today. So today is the most special day. The day I thank God for everyday.

So today, I celebrate not only the fact that Adam is getting another year older. But the fact that he is the most caring, supportive, loving husband. He makes me laugh, sometimes makes me cry, and is always there to make it all better. His hard work does not go unnoticed. And I know he will be the greatest dad to our little girl. Happy Birthday Adam. 

I wrote last week about how God puts people in our life for a reason. To walk with on the journey of our faith. He doesn’t want us to do this alone. He sends us siblings, friendships, coworkers, and even strangers to show the love He has for us. But every once in a while He sends that one special person that is going to be the closest example of His unwavering love. A love that resembles commitment, support, forgiveness, and trust. While it will never be as strong as the love Jesus has for us, it comes extremely close.

This kind of love doesn’t always come in a spouse. It can come in many different forms, through many different seasons of life. But it is a love to be cherished. A love to be thankful for. In the Bible, He writes in Ecclesiastes how “two is better than one, for if they fall, one will lift up the other (4:9).” And again in Proverbs saying “as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend (27:17).”

God wants us to find this love.